Xiaodong Wang

Xiaodong Wang

Ph.D. student in Westlake University

Westlake University


Welcome! I am currently a joint Ph.D. student in the Sensing and Computational Imaging Lab at Zhejiang University/Westlake University, advised by Prof. Xin Yuan. I am a transdisciplinary optimist interested in exploiting and developing novel computational imaging methods for practical scenerios.

Prior to this, I spent three years as a master student under the supervison of Prof. Changfeng Wu at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology.

Download my resumé.

  • Computational Imaging
  • Computational Photography
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Technology, 2022-present

    Zhejiang University/Westlake University, Hangzhou, China

  • MEng in Biomedical Engineering, 2019-2022

    Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China

  • BSc in Opto-electronic Engineering, 2015-2019

    Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China


