Image-guided Wavefront Shaping

Wavefront shaping unlocked many exciting applications related to imaging through scattering media. However, they usually require to have some feedback from the object to observe, typically a guide-star generated by physically labeling the sample or by using ultrasound (that reduced the resolution). Other computer-based approaches recently developed relied on the memory-effect, which drastically limits the field of view, or requires a coherent illumination. In the present paper, T. Yeminy and O. Katz present a very simple approach that allows the reconstruction of an object hidden behind a scattering medium under incoherent illumination. It uses wavefront shaping of the scattered light together with an optimization procedure based on some assumptions about the object. Here we implemented the numerical simulation part in this work. It’s kind of intersting concept, isn’t it?

This is just for demonstration and personal interest. For more details, please refer to the original literature1.

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Figure 1. Numerical Simulation of Image-guided Wavefront Shaping

  1. Yeminy, Tomer & Katz, Ori. (2021). Guidestar-free image-guided wavefront shaping. Science Advances. 7. eabf5364. 10.1126/sciadv.abf5364. ↩︎

Xiaodong Wang
Xiaodong Wang
Ph.D. student in Westlake University

My research interests include computational imaging, 3D reconstruction, compressive imaging.